Scott’s Seven Week Shred An award-winning body is yours to be earned in just seven weeks under the direction of all-natural bodybuilding champ Scott Mueller in Seven Week Shred. If you have access to a gym, your smart phone (or tablet) and are feeling ambitious, we challenge you to take on the exact blueprint that Scott used prior to winning his bodybuilding competition. Periodization and body-part specialization theory is pre-built into this bodybuilding-specific program. The shredding begins with a one-week tune-up and followed by a three-week loading phase that primes you for the hypertrophy (or growth) phase. For the fastest results, the loading and hypertrophy phases are meant to be tackled 6-days a week, but a 3-day a week alternative schedule is also included for you busy-bodies. Read More >>

Sheer Strength
In Sheer Strength, Failure isn’t an option, it’s a requirement. Trainer Mike ensures that you walk away from the gym having given it your all every time by infusing your body part specialized gym workouts with a multitude of burnouts and supersets. You’ll walk away knowing you gave it your all every day, and people will notice.