
  • Knockout Body In No Time In Knockout Body in No Time, competitive boxing heavyweight Tyrone Walton leads you through a program modeled after his long-time training regimen for getting into elite fighting shape - a fusion between classic boxing combinations and high-intensity plyometrics. Each routine begins with two difficult rounds of exercises and concludes with two rounds that are even more difficult, pushing your entire body to its limits in less than an hour a day. Bring your best king-of-the-ring attitude for the next month, and you will surely have a knockout body in no time! Read More >>
  • Lift Off In this uplifting 4-week stepping-stone program, professional speedster, Lorene Skipper, shares all her cardio, strength training, core, and foam roller massage secrets. Ideal for starting back up after a long bout of not working out, to accurately assess where you are weakest and strongest, to center yourself after a regimen that focuses on one-muscle disproportionately, or to adequately prepare you for the more advanced FT programs, Lift off is a very dynamic program--one that Lorene personally considers her go to home base. It promises to start out easy and teach you principles and tricks that will be applicable for the rest of your life. However, its difficulty increases weekly as you become mentally and physically tougher along the way. Read More >>
  • Lives
