
  • Recharge Rest and recovery is when your body rebuilds itself after working out hard. It’s when the magic happens so to speak. Included in this recovery week are both a bodyweight based yoga based recovery workout and a minimal equipment based recovery workout. The idea is that depending on how you feel, you have the option to either do yoga, light strength training, or simply rest every day for a week in between the more intense programs. Read More >>
  • Knockout Body In No Time In Knockout Body in No Time, competitive boxing heavyweight Tyrone Walton leads you through a program modeled after his long-time training regimen for getting into elite fighting shape - a fusion between classic boxing combinations and high-intensity plyometrics. Each routine begins with two difficult rounds of exercises and concludes with two rounds that are even more difficult, pushing your entire body to its limits in less than an hour a day. Bring your best king-of-the-ring attitude for the next month, and you will surely have a knockout body in no time! Read More >>
  • Lift Off In this uplifting 4-week stepping-stone program, professional speedster, Lorene Skipper, shares all her cardio, strength training, core, and foam roller massage secrets. Ideal for starting back up after a long bout of not working out, to accurately assess where you are weakest and strongest, to center yourself after a regimen that focuses on one-muscle disproportionately, or to adequately prepare you for the more advanced FT programs, Lift off is a very dynamic program--one that Lorene personally considers her go to home base. It promises to start out easy and teach you principles and tricks that will be applicable for the rest of your life. However, its difficulty increases weekly as you become mentally and physically tougher along the way. Read More >>
  • High Wattage Drawing inspiration from her extensive and intense fitness background (Olympic track and field, bodybuilding, D1 basketball, etc.), program creator Lorene Skipper invites you to crank up the power for an ambitious, time conscious total-body program. Designed to challenge your body in unfamiliar ways through a surplus of unique kettlebell exercises, plyometrics, fighters' moves, calisthenics, and endurance training designed to take your body to the next level, High Wattage will give you all that you need and can handle for a 28-day total-body metamorphosis. Read More >>
  • Extreme Yoga Booty Camp This month, challenge every muscle, every joint, every millimeter of your body. Each routine in Extreme Yoga Boot Camp is literally non-stop, seamlessly oscillating between circuits of extreme-intensity boot camp-style exercise and power yoga. Creator and yoga expert Kristin empowers you to live an intense fitness lifestyle with an exhausting yet exhilarating bodyweight-based program that results in strength, conditioning, and fat burning Ð all while gaining flexibility and body awareness. Namaste! Read More >>
  • Anitamosity This month, the finish line just happens to be the thin line between love and hate. Anitamosity is an intense, fast-paced program that humbles you for 60 (or optionally 90) minutes a day at the gym. In order to maintain her figure and thrive as a top Chicago-area personal trainer who has graced the front of Chicago magazine for her craft, Anita has to burn fat and tone muscle at an elite level. In this circuit-based program, she shares with you the exact exercises and philosophies that she uses when she really wants to challenge herself. You may hate her during the workouts, but you'll love Anita afterwards when you see the results she brings your body. Read More >>
  • The Challenge Theres nothing cute about this program. Thats why its called The Challenge. For the next month, you will be pushed to your limits with maximum-intensity, purely bodyweight-based circuit training. Inspired by how she keeps herself in elite shape and her great success as a personal trainer in downtown Chicago, Anita incorporates a plethora of dynamic exercises and keeps breaks short to issue you the ultimate challenge. Read More >>
  • Scott’s Seven Week Shred An award-winning body is yours to be earned in just seven weeks under the direction of all-natural bodybuilding champ Scott Mueller in Seven Week Shred. If you have access to a gym, your smart phone (or tablet) and are feeling ambitious, we challenge you to take on the exact blueprint that Scott used prior to winning his bodybuilding competition. Periodization and body-part specialization theory is pre-built into this bodybuilding-specific program. The shredding begins with a one-week tune-up and followed by a three-week loading phase that primes you for the hypertrophy (or growth) phase. For the fastest results, the loading and hypertrophy phases are meant to be tackled 6-days a week, but a 3-day a week alternative schedule is also included for you busy-bodies. Read More >>