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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut.
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Anita Reyna’s
This month, the finish line just happens to be the thin line between love and hate. Anitamosity is an intense, fast-paced program that humbles you for 60 (or optionally 90) minutes a day at the gym. In order to maintain her figure and thrive as a top Chicago-area personal trainer who has graced the front of Chicago magazine for her craft, Anita has to burn fat and tone muscle at an elite level. In this circuit-based program, she shares with you the exact exercises and philosophies that she uses when she really wants to challenge herself. You may hate her during the workouts, but you'll love Anita afterwards when you see the results she brings your body.

Access Anitamosity On-The-Go
Make the most of your next month by bringing trainer Anita with you on your smartphone! Fitness Tarantula gym programs and home programs are designed differently so as to be optimized to the type of setting you are in. Download the Fitness Tarantula app today and say goodbye to excuses not to work out!
Try digital access to start!
If you know that you'll want to do this program, but not sure you'll be working out often enough to commit to the entire fitness tarantula system at the moment, Digital access would be a great choice!
Get started today and achieve the fit life you’ve always wanted!
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Get Started Today
28 Days
Kettlebells, Jump Rope
Access Anitamosity On-The-Go
Make the most of your next month by bringing trainer Anita with you on your smartphone! Fitness Tarantula gym programs and home programs are designed differently so as to be optimized to the type of setting you are in. Download the Fitness Tarantula app today and say goodbye to excuses not to work out!
Try digital access to start!
If you know that you'll want to do this program, but not sure you'll be working out often enough to commit to the entire fitness tarantula system at the moment, Digital access would be a great choice!
Buy Now
This month, the finish line just happens to be the thin line between love and hate. Anitamosity is an intense, fast-paced program that humbles you for 60 (or optionally 90) minutes a day at the gym. In order to maintain her figure and thrive as a top Chicago-area personal trainer who has graced the front of Chicago magazine for her craft, Anita has to burn fat and tone muscle at an elite level. In this circuit-based program, she shares with you the exact exercises and philosophies that she uses when she really wants to challenge herself. You may hate her during the workouts, but you'll love Anita afterwards when you see the results she brings your body.
One time payment

Digital Access to Anitamosity for Life
Buy Now
Anita Reyna’s